Spearman's rho, which is the result from using the Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient can range from (-1) to (1). (-1) shows a strong negative correlation. (0) shows no correlation. (1) shows a strong positive correlation.
A "Sig. (2-tailed)" value is also given. This is the measurement of the significance of the correlation. In order to interpret the significance level, subtract the "Sig. (2-tailed)" value from 1. For example, when the "Sig. (2-tailed)" value is 0.05, the significance level is 1-0.05=0.95. Thus, there is a 95% chance of it being a true and significant correlation.
Stress and Happiness
Scatter Graph
From the above results, stress and happiness have a Spearman's rho of (-0.275). This shows a weak correlation between the two variables. However, this correlation is very statistically significant. (94.6% chance of the correlation being true and significant)
Stress and Grades
Scatter Dot Graph
From the above results, stress and grades have a Spearman's rho of (0.007). This shows a positive correlation. However, this correlation is extremely weak. Moreover, there is only a 3.9% (1-0.961=0.039) chance of the correlation being true.
Grades and Happiness
Scatter Dot Graph
From the above results, happiness and grades have a Spearman's rho of (-0.042). This shows a negative correlation between the two variables that is very weak. The correlation is also only 22.7% significant. (1-0.773=0.227)
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